Thursday, October 27, 2005

Don't let the motherf***ers get you down...

There are two types of people that I absolutely hate.

The first is that person who thinks television viewing is a normative act. They think they are morally superior to us television watchers because they either severely restrict their television consumption, or else do not watch it at all. I ask you this, dear reader, "what's so goddamned wrong with t.v.?"

Studies have shown that there is no link between television watching and performance in school. So, you can't really say it makes you stupid. Let's not forget all those boring educational programs that are available on the t.v. Television is no different than movies, books, museums, poetry, theater, etc... There are good t.v. programs and there are bad t.v. programs.

Besides, what do all those non-tv watchers do with their free time? Scrapbooking? Reading books, doing crossword puzzles, going out with friends? Guess what, I do all those things too (with the exception of scrapbooking) and I still manage to watch a lot of t.v. How do I do it? Well, it's a little thing I like to call multi-tasking. I read a book while the t.v. is on... I do a crossword puzzle while watching the latest "Family Guy"... I invite my friends over to watch t.v. Seriously, it's that easy.

So, not only do I know what happened on "Days of our Lives" yesterday, I can also talk to you about Nabokov, Tolstoy, and Harry Potter. Feel my wrath t.v. haters!

The other type of person that I absolutely hate is Jennifer Love Hewitt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First time commenting, long time reader...

You tell them Matt...give me a break Madonna-restricting your kids from TV, wait until they Google their mother!