Well, I've made it to Minneapolis, my home for the next three years. That is, unless I follow Lori's advice and "get all straight As and transfer to the U of C next year." The voyage was not without its bumps in the road, but Boogs and I got here safely, only slightly worse for the wear. The past few days have been all about running around and getting those little new apartment things that one is never quite completely prepared for. Such as, air conditioners, trash bags, shower curtains, food... you know, essentials. Anyway, the posters are hung up, the lamps have shades, the air is being conditioned. Of course, all my clothes are still in the plastic bins they arrived in a week ago, but let's not dwell on the details.
So far, the new apartment is great and the area is cool. There's a cute little coffee shop in the next building and I can see downtown Minneapolis from my front stoop. Of course, it's no architecture powerhouse like Chicago, but it definitely has charm.
Here are a few initial observations/deductions. (Disclaimer: I am ripping these off from an e-mail I sent to Val two days ago.)
Observed today:
1. A street cutting across two others at a diagonal. The name of this street? Diagonal Blvd. Subtle.
2. I-94 is a retarded highway. In order to get to my house from the west, I have to drive past it, loop onto 35W, go by the law school, and exit by the Metrodome. Mind you, I live two blocks from I-94.
Overheard at Ikea:
"Daddy, walk faster so we can go to the Mall of America." That pretty much summed up my day. I don't know what that means.
Overheard on the radio:
A commercial for a gun shop where, "with every firearm you buy, you get a lifetime warranty." I am scared - http://www.notaxs.org/. Can't Minneapolis-ians or whatever they're called just buy their guns on the black market or from Wal-Mart like normal people?
Special Life Lesson Learned:
Target does not sell air conditioners.
Goal for tomorrow:
Find a post office or a blue mailbox. (Update: I located the post office but have yet to find the blue mailbox.)
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