Thursday, October 13, 2005

What are you staring at, freak?

Today's commuting song: "The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel

Today's commuting theme: "Getting hysterical on the train is not my style."

Why do all the freaks ride public transportation?
No, I'd really like to know.

I rocked the L this morning. 45 minutes door-to-door baby! And I got on all the right trains and got off at all the right stops.

What is with the weird Blue line trains with the annoying doors that flip-inwards and the poles stuck right in the middle of the train? Could it be any more inconvenient? It just seems like overly agressive doors on subway trains just make things a whole lot worse.

Today I figured out that I live 3 miles from work (2 miles south and 1 mile west). By riding the L, I travel a total of 6 miles each way because I have to ride it to the Loop and then ride it back north. This is stupid. I would take the bus, but its, you know, the bus.

So this freaky bug-eyed guy was staring at me on the Brown Line. It was totally freaking me out. I wanted to tell him, "I am totally going to cut you if you don't stop staring at me", but getting hysterical on the train is totally not my style. Then I thought, "maybe he thinks I am staring at him because I keep checking to see if he is staring at me." Well that just blew my mind, so I decided not to think about it. He is just a freak. End of story.

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