Thursday, October 13, 2005

I am a bus-riding god!

Holy shit. I just made a 25 minute commute, door-to-door, via... get this... THE BUS. I am so frickin' excited I had to run up to my apartment and post this. It was faster than driving... no really, it was!

Ok, let me step back a minute. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, "dude, the bus sucks." And you know what? You are right my friend, the bus does suck. But today, for some unknown reason (maybe all the planets were in alignment), it sucked just a little bit less.

When it comes down to it, doesn't all have to do with timing? I just happened to walk out the door just as the bus was about to arrive across the street. I was heading toward downtown, so the bus was practically empty. It was just 5:00, so traffic didn't have enough time to accumulate.

OK, OK, I can rationalize it a million different ways. Maybe it's just one of those things that will have to remain a mystery. But you better be damn sure I am taking that bus again tomorrow, and then we'll really see: was it a fluke, or have I stumbled upon the easiest commute ever??????????

I feel, my friends, that I am standing on the precipice of a great discovery. Now I finally know how those dudes who discovered DNA must have felt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt, you're right. You discovering the bus commute and the discovery of the DNA double helix are right on par. Way to go man!