Friday, June 23, 2006

Super-train or super-suck?

Since I moved to Edgewater, I've been taking the El to work every day. This has been, in my estimation, a good character building experience. Since I both live and work off the Red Line, my commute has suddenly gotten much easier. And even though I now live about 2 miles farther from work than I did when I lived at my old apartment, my commute on the El takes just about as long as my old commute by car did. Is the El a magic time-bending, warp-speed supertrain? Far from it, my friend. In fact, it seems I spend most of my commute time now sitting on a train that is stopped between stations "waiting for signals ahead" or because "there is a train ahead of us at the station, we should be moving again in a few moments." These times have proved somewhat frustrating for me and are only eased by the soothing comfort and distraction of a truly marvelous invention, the iPod. Since I get sick if I read on the train, I can either zone out to the very appropriate "Morning Train" by Scotland's native daughter, Sheena Easton, or twiddle my thumbs and drool like a retard. Believe me, that's not something you'd want to see (at 8:00 in the morning.)

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